Sunday 30 October 2011

My name is Brent and I have an Aviation Problem

Ok so there we go, I've admitted it. That does not mean i have any particular desire to fix it.  I started flying in April 2009. I was one of those foolish people who thought that some minor medical thing was preventing me.

Once I  found out that was not the case I've drank the Koolaid and gone headlong into it.  I've been a Private pilot since February 2010 and an aircraft owner Since January 2, 2011 (Half share partnership) and am hoping to finish my commercial license before the year is up.

Its such a lovely world up there its amazing and it truly isn't hard to get into.  It is NOT like driving you do not drive with a lap desk and read maps and calculate groundspeeds and positions while in motion while you drive. Those are normal skills as you fly. But also if you take your hand off the wheel while driving you are off the road into a curb or ditch within 10 seconds. where in an aircraft they keep themselves straight level and steady by design and nature allowing you as the pilot to manage those other tasks. (and instead of being 4 feet form the nearest vehicle when you are less than a mile its treated as cause for concern)

I wish I started this blog right when I was a pre-solo student but it didnt happen that way. I'll slowly backtrack into the most notable experiences and the greatest joys. This isnt just a sales pitch there are experiences that i will admit I am extremely happy to have experienced, Once and NEVER again.


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